REAR CARRIER on the expedition vehicle for transporting a motorcycle and quad bike

When do you need a rear lift on a motorhome expedition vehicle?

Everyone knows the feeling of having forgotten something. But what to do if there is not enough space in the vehicle or larger equipment needs to be carried? If weight reserves are available in the base vehicle, SPECTRA Expedition offers various solutions for motorhomes from different truck manufacturers.

How is a rear lift for transporting motorbikes and bicycles fitted to a motorhome?

All variants are based on the principle that they are bolted to the chassis and have no contact with the box body. Depending on the truck manufacturer, there are different frame widths and hole patterns, so steel laser panels are designed and manufactured according to the basic vehicle. The actual lift system, which has been statically calculated beforehand, is welded on using these adapter plates. SPECTRA is a certified company according to DIN EN 9010, which fulfils the high requirements of the legislator for obtaining and maintaining it. This is the only way to guarantee the high standards of quality and durability. The welded laser plates are bolted to the chassis, usually in combination with a foldable underride guard.

When do I need a folding underride guard?

The folding underride guard is always necessary when I want to achieve a greater angle of slope. The longer the overhang of the vehicle, the lower the slope angle. Since the underride protection cannot be fitted indiscriminately, but must comply with UN ECE R58-03 within the framework of the legal requirements for new vehicles, the vehicle builder has limited leeway. Self-builds, as was the case in the past, are obsolete. Therefore, only homologated components are used, which are available with gas pressure spring support for the greatest possible comfort at a manageable investment. It becomes more costly to use hydraulically extendable underride guards. These move twice as much and usually do not take up as little space as a manual system. Incidentally, contrary to the statements of some vehicle owners, also the vehicles with the type designation (G) in the vehicle registration document. Even as an off-road vehicle, you are obliged to drive an underride guard as specified. This does not apply to vehicles that have an H registration plate (historic vehicle in Germany) and were not intended to have one at the time they were put on the market.

What types of drives are available for a quad bike rear rack system?

Spectra uses electro-hydraulic systems that are manufactured specifically for the rear lift. Standard elements are used as wearing parts, so that any skilled person could replace them. The hydraulic system makes it possible to offer maximum safety. 2.5-fold safety with the hydraulic components, high possible loads to lift, hand pump as backup in the unlikely event that nothing works. A manual fuse would not be necessary, but is included in the standard version.

Less available in use on the market are spindle drives that are mainly electrically driven, or even with cordless screwdrivers. A spindle drive is generally a good choice, provided the running nut is not made of plastic. This is not subject to wear like a brass nut. However, care must be taken to ensure that the spindle remains dust-free at all times and is fitted with a rubber sleeve. The trapezoidal spindle in question is subject to self-locking and therefore stands still without current.

The tried and tested cable winch, whether manual or electric, is the simplest and cheapest option. If a cable winch is usually deflected or attached to the uppermost point of the lifting mast, it does not offer any safety in the event of a cable break. Measures with additionally attached harness systems are theoretically feasible, but the release of the harnesses depends on the fall speed of the load should the rope break.

Conclusion: The winch works and does what it should. However, the system in combination with uneven load distribution, safety features is not comparable to a hydraulic or spindle system. Manual securing of the lifted load is indispensable in conjunction with the winch.

At what height may the loading platform travel on the road?

The recommendation is to position the platform at the level of the underride guard on public roads. In the event of a rear-end collision, the forces acting on the vehicle are transferred to the tested and homologated underride guard. Legally, therefore, the driver, manufacturer and inspector are not liable. If the platform is positioned at a different height than the underride guard or lower 2000mm from the ground, all parties involved have one foot in jail. This means that it is legal from 2000mm height. But this also has limits in terms of outreach, as the 12m overall length must not be exceeded.

When does the length of the rear lift system count towards the overall length of the vehicle?

If the lift system is bolted to the vehicle / body, i.e. cannot be removed without tools, it counts towards the overall length of the vehicle.

If the system is tool-free, i.e. plugged and bolted, it counts as a removable attachment. Equally neutral to assess if the lift system is mounted on the superstructure, which is also connected to the subframe, e.g. via container locking. According to this, construction and lift is “cargo”.

What can be transported on a rear carrier on a motorhome?

The rear carrier, mainly known as a bicycle carrier in the motorhome sector, is used as a spare wheel holder in expedition vehicle mobiles. To match this, sand plates, canisters, wheel chocks, bicycles, 1-2 motorbikes are fixed on up to 2 loading platforms on top of each other on/at the platform. The largest version accommodates a Smart 1 across the direction of travel (side-by-side).

Quad, CanAm, Polaris or carry a car inside the expedition vehicle in walk-in garage?

Spectra offers a lift variant for loading all imaginable vehicles, equipment and toys. According to the customer’s wishes, the superstructure and lift system are adapted to the size and load conditions, in line with the motto “there’s no such thing as can’t”.

Inside a walk-in garage, everything is and can be fixed by means of Airlin rails, fittings and straps. Flooring, heating, lighting offer every comfort that is standard in an expedition vehicle.

Do you still have questions about motorbike lifts and rear carrier systems?

Then pick up the phone on 07244 2050300 or